đź’» Virtual Assistant Needed

We’d like to have you complete a few tasks that reflect the skills and type of help we’re looking for. To complete these tasks, we’ll be using the following website: ymca.jwtechdesign.com

This is a development website we use for testing and communicating with our clients. I’ve created an account for you on our dev site that you can use to complete a few tasks. You’ll be needing this information:

Login URL: https://ymca.jwtechdesign.com/user/login
Username: virtual_assistant
Password: xAgte3-vuqquq-satpat

âś… Task #1 – Basic Content Management

Please log in to the website using the instructions above and head over to this page: https://ymca.jwtechdesign.com/content-test

We use Drupal as a Content Management System, and an editor tool called “Layout Builder” to manage the content on our Drupal websites. You’ll find the Layout Builder UI by clicking on the “Layout” tab at the top of the page (next to View / Edit).

Now that you’re viewing the Layout Builder editor for the page, we need to make some adjustments…

  1. The headline in the banner is spelled wrong. It says “Hello Word” (missing an “l”). Please update that to read “Hello World” instead.
  2. The description under that headline is too short. Can you use this one instead: “Welcome to the Content Test page, where we’re using this page to exercise our content management skills. Let’s get to it.”
  3. There are 3 grids on the page (they’re actually called Cards in Layout Builder). The middle card is missing a button. Can you add a button that says “Find a Class” and link it to this page on the website: https://ymca.jwtechdesign.com/demo-schedules
  4. Speaking of those grids, the 3rd card is labeled “Youth Sports” but the image does not match. Can you use this image instead?

  5. Feels like the page is still missing something. How about a testimonial? Add a testimonial (it’s a custom block type) to the top of the body area – above the cards and below banner. It can be a fake testimonial until we have a real one with a real name.

    The card titles – Personal Training, Group Exercise & Youth Sports – are all blue, but I think they’d look better if they were the same color purple as the card buttons. Can you make them purple? (Hint: you can use a new section & a new custom “Code” block to write some inline CSS and put it at the bottom of the page).

    BONUS X2:
    When you edit the Banner block, there’s a “Style” tab that gives you some more options. Can you change the style to a different kind of banner style? Maybe the Overlay style?

âś… Task #2 – Content Building

Many of our partners have older Drupal websites, that use an old building tool called “Paragraphs”. Here’s an example of a page built in that old Paragraphs builder: https://ymca.jwtechdesign.com/programs/swimming

We will be migrating (completely rebuilding) these pages as Layout Builder pages. So for this task… can you please rebuild this page as a Layout Builder page?

  1. Start a brand new page by going to “Content > Add Content > Landing Page (Layout Builder)”
  2. Name the Page “Layout Builder Swimming – [Your First Name]”
  3. Use the exact same images, copy, button text, etc. We just need all of the content rebuilt in Layout Builder, using Layout Builder compliant blocks instead of the Paragraphs.

    We have a partner that likes to link PDF documents in the sidebar like this. Can you link up those same PDFs on this new page you’re rebuilding? It uses an icon from “Font Awesome” and you can upload a PDF at “Content > Media > Add Media > Document” (you may need to rename your PDF to something unique).

Speaking of Layout Builder blocks, here is the documentation showing you exactly what blocks come with this version of Layout Builder.

Each block has documentation showing you a video tutorial, the design of what it looks like on the page and some basic usage info. It may be helpful when choosing the type of block you want to use when rebuilding the page components on your Layout Builder Landing Page.

Be sure your name is in the title, or at the bottom of this new page.


When completed with the above, please email me at jeremy@jwtechdesign.com to let me know it’s ready for review.

In that same email, please let us know if you have any experience working with Drupal.  Also, please list any experience with front-end development like HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, etc.  Thanks for all your work!