Built by the YMCA, for the YMCA.
Partner Benefits
Web Services is free to use. But your YMCA association may not be lucky enough to have an IT / Website Developer on staff. That’s where the digital partner comes in. There are really great partners available to you. Each partner brings their own strengths that will match specific needs & requirements of different Y teams. So do yourself a favor and check in with multiple partners on your project.
Here are some of the the ways I can help.
I have worked with YMCAs on websites for the past 7 years. Cachet fonts, correct spacing on the Areas of Focus, Group Ex classes, Programs, Daxko – we’re not starting from scratch. Let’s start with the basics already covered.
Let’s put a value on collaboration. Not only through the WS platform, but between Ys that share the same development partner. We can learn from each other, share ideas and always have an example to point toward.
As a smaller development operation, the goal is not to help as many people as possible. Quality over quantity is the mantra here. Fast replies, help when it’s needed and direct lines of communication. And for goodness sake, no support ticket waiting lines.
I take pride in having a good relationship with all the Y staff I work with. Your YMCA team is not just a “client” any more than I am just a “developer.” We have lives, stories and we want to be good at what we do. Let’s form a working relationship based on that.
Websites are awesome, but it’s not just about web pages. Migrating your existing content, Daxko, Active, Playerspace, Google Ads (utilizing your $10k monthly grant), Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Conversion tracking, Hotjar … let’s take your YMCA website to the next level.

YMCA of South Palm Beach County
[ ymcaspbc.org ]
The YMCA of South Palm Beach is based in the Boca Raton, Florida area. Working with their team was a great privilege, as they were the very first partner association I helped move to Web Services. We learned a ton together and they are a special partner for that reason. Their team was ready to fully take on the project of updating their old website to what it is now: A modern, responsive and scalable website that’s fully in their control. All their hard work is paying off in measurable improvements – increased visitors, longer average times per page and significantly decreased bounce rates.
Program Registration
Membership Integration
Group Exercise Class Search
Daxko Integration
Content Migration
SEO & Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Ads Management
Design Customizations
Cloud Hosting
Site Updates
On-going Website Maintenance
YMCA of Central Kentucky
[ ymcacky.org ]
The YMCA of Central Kentucky is based in the Lexington, Kentucky area. We are still in the development stages of this project, but should be launching in the near future. It’s been a pleasure to help their team with the challenge of updating their old website where they had very little control, and now transitioning into a brand new platform where they have full control in Web Services. With 6 full service branches, an overnight camp, and another Learning Center facility, this medium-sized Y has gotten the needed buy-in from their team and are ready to take the next step online.
Daxko Integration
Online Giving
SEO & Analytics
Google Analytics
Cloud Hosting
Membership Integration
Site Updates
Program Registration
Design Customizations
Group Exercise Class Search
On-going Website Maintenance

Duluth Area Family YMCA
[ duluthymca.org ]
The Duluth Area Family YMCA is based in the Duluth, Minnesota area. We’re still early in the development process, but this is a special project worth mentioning. As a single branch Y, this association simply didn’t have a ton of resources to invest into digital solutions, much less to move off their old website platforms to Web Services. I heard about Duluth Area Family YMCA through a member of the WS team, and I mentioned that we may be able to help each other. So we came upon an agreement, that for minimal financial cost to their association, we can move them to WS and document the entire process with the team, with the goal of minimizing pain points and obstacles to other small Ys during the on-boarding process. We’re still early … but this project is adding real value to the Y movement by lowering the barrier of entry for future YMCAs.
Daxko Integration
SEO & Analytics
Google Analytics
Cloud Hosting
Site Updates
User Testing
On-going Website Maintenance
Staff Training & Feedback
Documentation & Feedback to the Community

What Real YMCA Directors are Saying…
Get In Touch
If you’re ready to get started, or even if you’re still in the planning stages, I would be excited to hear your thoughts on a website project. We can go through your existing website, what needs improving and how we can help. Finally, I can ask some questions -I’m sure you’ll have questions of your own – and we can determine from there if it’s a good fit or not. Let’s connect!